Jennifer Hilliard, Teen Therapist in NC

Own your story by exploring the ins and outs of you, and use that knowledge to rewrite your story. The best is yet to come!

Imagine your teen coming home and sharing about their day, joining in on a family game night or simply hanging out on the couch in the evening.

Picture yourself feeling connected to yourself, your family and friends; feeling supported and loved for being you.

See yourself navigating through life’s stressors and chaos, the ups and downs with ease and clarity. No more feeling paralyzed by stress or unable to make decisions. 

What would it feel like to own your story, to trust that you are enough, that you can handle life as it comes?

You've made a brave choice to start therapy, where you'll have the opportunity to own and rewrite your story with my support. I’ll be right be side you as you navigate challenges, foster personal growth, and achieve your goals.

Meet Jennifer!

My clients describe me as passionate, non-judgemental, and committed.

Imagine working with a therapist who has spent twenty years as a guidance counselor, gaining deep insights from many different life experiences. As a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate (LCMHCA) working toward full licensure under supervision, I combine this wealth of experience with ongoing training to support you on your journey towards achieving a sense of peace.

I create a welcoming and non-judgemental space where everyone feels loved and accepted. I truly believe in your ability to grow and change. Respect and kindness are vital to me, and I aim to treat everyone, especially my clients with both.

Using both my professional training and personal life lessons, I personalize each session to fit your unique goals, personality, and experiences. You are the expert on your own life, and my job is to respect and draw on this expertise to help you learn the skills you need to take control and rewrite your story.

  • In 1990, I graduated from the College of William & Mary with a B.A. in Sociology.  In May, 1996, I received my Master's of Education specializing in School Counseling, and completed necessary coursework in 2023 to attain the licensure for LCMHC-A.

  • My LCMHC-A license number is 19067-A and can be verified here.  My North Carolina School Counselor's license number is 1249727.  My Virginia School Counselor's license can be found here.

  • I am a native of Chesterfield County, Virginia, and spent my junior year abroad in Germany, eventually minoring in German.  My husband and I have two grown daughters, and enjoy spending time with family, and we are huge baseball fans.  I also enjoy reading, cooking and spending time with our four-legged family members.

I encourage you to take the first step in finding what brings health and happiness to your life.